Temp = $PhpGroup_style['def_style']; $tpl->Cache = "easycache"; echo $tpl->display("headerinclude.html"); //start qurey //get the can name in the right page $selectc = @mysql_db_query("$dbName", "SELECT * FROM `cat` WHERE `cat_group` = '1' ORDER BY `cat`.`cat_display` ASC ") ; while ($s = @mysql_fetch_assoc($selectc)){ $cat[] = $s ; } @mysql_free_result($selectc); //loginbox loginbox( $login ); //get the cat name and the pic $selectc = mysql_db_query("$dbName", "SELECT * FROM `cat` WHERE `cat_group` = '1' ORDER BY `cat`.`cat_display` ASC ") ; while ($ab = mysql_fetch_array($selectc)){ $catid = $ab[cat_id]; $egcount++; $row['ac'][] = $ab; if ($egcount == 3){ $rowss[] = $row; $egcount=0; $row['ac']=''; } } @mysql_free_result($selectc); if($egcount) $rowss[] = $row; //get the last new poem $selectnewdivan = mysql_db_query("$dbName", "SELECT * FROM `divan` WHERE `divan_group` = '1' ORDER BY `divan_id` DESC LIMIT 10 ") ; while ($ndivan = @mysql_fetch_assoc($selectnewdivan)){ $nd[] = $ndivan ; } @mysql_free_result($selectnewdivan); //the most divan visted $selectmostdivan = mysql_db_query("$dbName", "SELECT * FROM `divan` ORDER BY `divan`.`divan_count` DESC LIMIT 0 , 5") ; while ($mdivan = @mysql_fetch_array($selectmostdivan)){ $md[] = $mdivan ; } //statistics $selectcount= mysql_db_query("$dbName", "SELECT * FROM cat;") ; $totalcat = mysql_affected_rows(); @mysql_free_result($selectcount); $selectcount= mysql_db_query("$dbName", "SELECT * FROM divan;") ; $totaldivan = mysql_affected_rows(); @mysql_free_result($selectcount); $selectcount= mysql_db_query("$dbName", "SELECT * FROM users;") ; $totalusers = mysql_affected_rows(); @mysql_free_result($selectcount); //echo template echo $tpl->display("header.html"); echo $tpl->display("bodyinclude.html"); //cheak site close if (($close) == ('yes')){ echo $tpl->display("message.html"); traidntright(); echo $tpl->display("footer.html"); exit(); } echo $tpl->display("homepage.html"); echo"
"; traidntright(); echo $tpl->display("footer.html"); ob_end_flush(); ?>